My French Press Recipe for 16 oz of Coffee

This is my recipe for making one large cup of coffee in French press. I use an insulated press and prefer it because I've broken two glass presses. My French press has two screens, but a cleaner cup comes from pressing the plunger very slowly. I learned that trick from James Hoffman.

  • Grind coffee coarsely.
  • Boil Water
  • Preheat French press and then pour out the water.
  • Weigh 27 grams of coffee into press. Keep it on scale but tare the scale.
  • Wet the coffee to let it bloom. Start the timer for 4 minutes.
  • At 3:30, stir the grounds. Then finish pouring water in to reach 405 grams.
  • Preheat the cup.
  • Put the lid on and wait.
  • When the timer goes off, press the plunger down very slowly (30 seconds or so).
If I'm being honest, the measurements have a little wiggle room. If you are really a coffee person, then you might hate this. Percolating coffee is pretty forgiving, so I don't worry if I overpour by a few grams. The coffee still turns out well. The 405 grams of water comes out to half my French press. 

For a whole French press, use 52 grams of coffee and 410 grams of water.

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