
Showing posts from February, 2020

Password Security and KeepassXC

I wrote an article in July 2019 about protecting yourself online (see here ). Along with the article I posted a picture from Marc Goodman's website for the book Future Crimes . The infographic in that post has tips for protecting yourself online and one of them talks about password security. I've used a password method that I read about several years ago in an article in Wired magazine. Goodman explains that that method is outdated. Hackers or even an AI interface and figure out password patterns and predict what your next password would be. So I upgraded to a password manager and have been implementing it for the last 6 months. It took me a bit to get used to it, but I've found it is actually very easy once I got it set up correctly. I picked KeepassXC because it is a free and open-source software. It's hard to recommend another subscription to people or to pay another one myself. Another advantage is that it is easy to use. Until I realized how it worked, ...

How to Get Rid of Orange Sludge in the Bottom of the Dishwasher

*This is a bit of a departure for me. But I struggled to find the answer to this question when we got a new dishwasher: How do I get rid of the orange sludge in the bottom of the dishwasher? Here's the answer: Buy good dishwasher detergent. We often buy generic brands for food and household products. We notice little difference, so we were using generic brand dishwasher detergent. But the filter would be covered in orange sludge after every use. We cleaned the dishwasher thoroughly every week. But it was covered again after one use. As the week went on, it started to stink. I stumbled across an answer buried in an old forum post on this question. So we bought better dishwasher detergent, and we have no more more issues. The way I understand it is that higher end detergents have enzymes in them that help break down starches, fats, etc. Older and cheaper detergents don't have them or don't have as much. The first one we bought was Finish Quantum Powerball. It worked...

Annoucing Our New Podcast: Raise 'em Rad

My wife and I launched a new podcast yesterday: Raise 'em Rad with Joe and Emma Radosevich. Season 1 is a garden diary as we track and tell stories about growing things this year. Here is the podcast page: We're launching with 3 episodes, and we plan to post every week through October. Three reasons that I wanted to launch this podcast. We enjoy gardening and telling stories about our garden. I hope that a behind-the-scenes look at one family' garden inspires other people to try it. I wanted to experiment with podcasting and what better way to learn about podcasting and audio forms than to do it. I wanted to show others how to record a podcast easily and get it noticed. I think more people should do a podcast around a topic that they know and love. The two issues are a topic and a method. I think most people should a podcast or video series around what they know and love--Gary Vaynerchuk says, "document, don't create." ...

6 Months of Learning Italian: 5 reasons for dad's to learn with the family

We started learning Italian as a family 6 months ago. We've made way more progress than I ever thought possible. And it has been relatively painless. The program we use is Here are 5 Reasons for dad's to learn a language with the family and It is a fun, shared experience. Doing this together has been like a secret language that we are learning together. And the memories that go with the learning will always be ours. There is something fun about the extended experience of language learning that we are really enjoying. It makes becoming bilingual a possibility. I am really excited about the idea of becoming bilingual. I've studied several languages between high school, college, and seminary. I am reading proficient in Greek and Hebrew. But I've never thought of being bilingual as even a possibility. This makes becoming bilingual feel like a possibility. We use italian all the time and are able to make up new sentences or uses for the langua...

January Instagram Challenge and What I Learned

In January, I secretly did a photo challenge on Instagram. The challenge came from a calendar with an assigned theme for each day of the month. I missed one day. Here is what I learned: With a theme, it's not super hard to pick or find a photo. It takes about 10 minutes to search, prep, and post a photo. Captions matter. I think longer captions interpret what we're after and encourage engagement. People prefer pictures with faces in them. Those always get more likes. It's not a big deal if few people like a post. Often times, there were only 5 likes. Is the whole goal to get as many reactions as possible? Or to document my life and bless those who follow? If the goal is to chase likes, then I'm tempted only post the best moments and to exaggerate my life so that others like it or react to it. But that is neither true or kind. Others should know that my life is largely boring just like theirs. I hate it when people whose marriages are on the rocks post pictures ...

My Work on Other Sites

Writing The Gospel Coalition ‘I Have a Boring Testimony!’ No, You Don’t. College or Seminary Student: Make the Most of This Weird School Year The Church Digital Digital Ads Framework for Non-Specialists Gardening and the Phygital Church What is Digital-First in a Small Church? Thinking Outside of the Box with Your Livestream Small Church Tech Strategy... You Got This! Seven Extremely Practical Video Tips for Churches https://be.thechurch.digit...