Some Thoughts on Physical Fitness for 2024
My workout tomorrow will be my 208th for this year. My goal was 200. That allowed time off for vacation, sickness, travel, etc. This is my second year setting goals for the number of workouts. I think 200 is a pretty good goal. I switched this year to a physical journal. I love it so much better. It is lined graph paper so it makes it easy to make lists into charts. I highly recommend it. I have done Dan John's Easy Strength plan twice and am now doing Pat Flynn's kettlebell plan in his book Paleo Fitness for Dummies . There is a saying in the fitness world that a trainer who writes his own plans has an idiot for a client. That's true. I've largely written my own plans over the years so I've been my own idiot. I'm finding holes in my fitness when doing plans written by others. Flynn's plan has me sore in places that I don't normally feel without beating me up everywhere. I plan to use plans written by others most of the time in 2025. I made progress th...