
Showing posts from March, 2024

10 Fan Bike Workouts

When I worked in a local gym, new people came in most days to sign up at the gym. We would ask them what their goal was and what their plan was. They always had a blank look for the plan because the gym was the plan. They planned on using the equipment to reach their goal but hadn't thought about how they would use the equipment. The equipment was the plan. Equipment isn't a plan. I've got 10 workout ideas for a fan bike. A fan bike is a bike that has a fan in place of the front wheel and usually has arms that pump back and forth. The reason for the fan is that the harder you pedal and pump, the resistance from the fan gets harder. As you work harder or get fitter, then the bike gets harder too. Fan bikes usually come with a computer display that shows time, speed, calories burned, distance, and revolutions per minute. It makes for great workouts. Schwinn Airdyne, Air Assault, and Rogue Echo are examples of fan bikes. There are others. Here are 10 workout ideas for someone ...

3 New Tomatoes for This Year

I'm starting tomato seeds this week and wanted to describe 3 new varieties. It feels late to be starting tomato seeds, but our weather doesn't really stay warm until after May 9th when we get back from our vacation. I also don't want my tomatoes to be too big and have a hard time staying up. This year, I'm trying 3 varieties new to me that were bred by Fred Hempel. Fred died last fall. His work used to be sold under the Artisan Seeds brand, but now is carried by a new company he was in the process of starting called Bene Seeds .  Benevento is the tomato that Fred was so proud of. It is a beefsteak tomato that is ideal for gourmet restaurants because it tastes great, holds up well if it is on a gourmet burger or sandwich, and stores well. You can pick it, store in normal conditions like a kitchen or restaurant, and have it still hold its shape and taste great. He talked often about the need for hold up like commercial tomatoes but taste like heirlooms. Benevento is a hyb...

Praying for the World with Joshua Project People Groups

 I've been praying through the Operation World prayer guide this year as a challenge. It is a different kind of challenge than reading through the Bible. One thing I've done that works well is subscribe to the Joshua Project Unreached People of the Day podcast. I already listen to a lot of podcasts, and since this is only 1 minute long, it easily fits into my listening. It is the only auto-subscribed podcast that I have.  It is well-done, and it packs a lot of info into one minute. The host describes the people group (usually from the target country in Operation World), shares a verse, and shares how to pray that verse for those people. It's amazing. I probably wouldn't listen if it was longer, so I'm thankful that he makes it short and sweet. I don't know anyone else praying through Operation World this year, but I assume that there are people out there. I feel like I'm in a club and that we are praying together this year. If you are praying through Operat...

My Current Warm-up

When I was a trainer, I would do a sample workout with prospective clients. They were often interested in personal training, and the workout was the hook to talk about their goals and consider working together. What I normally did was take them through the warm-up I did with clients. For most people new to the gym, it felt like a hard workout. If they only did slow sessions on the treadmill or nothing at all, then this "workout" was hard. After they trained with me for a little while, then this warm-up was just a warm-up. Here is my current warm-up: 2 Rounds of 5 Goblet Squats (35 lbs kettlebell) 7 Push-ups 2:00 on the Airdyne at and medium pace. All this takes about 6 minutes. For some people, this would feel like a workout. Honestly, you could do that for 20 minutes and get a really good workout in. I've really been enjoying this warm-up.