
Showing posts from January, 2025

The Midwest Kettlebell Club: Swing-Swing-Other Thing

We had a baby this week, so my workouts have been thrown off. It's good and normal to take a break every 4-6 weeks. I skipped most days because I've been at the hospital or very tired. Today, was a little more normal, and I wanted to fit in a little bit of exercise. That was a chance to try a workout called Swing-Swing-Other Thing. I got the idea from Pat Flynn. Here is what I did: I set a timer to go off every minute for 10 minutes. I picked a 52 lbs kettlebell. Minute 1: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 2: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 3: 3 Overhead Presses with each hand Minute 4: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 5: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 6: 3 Overhead Presses with each hand Minute 7: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 8: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 9: 3 Overhead Presses with each hand Minute 10: Suitcase Carry down and back. I finished with a few stretches and was done in 15 minutes. It felt good.

Parenting a New Baby Again

Our new baby girl was born on Monday. Mom and baby are happy, healthy, and home. I haven't decided if I'm posting her name here yet. It is interesting to have a new baby and face the challenges of delivery and newborn care while knowing the Lord 5 years-better than the last time and 15 years-better than the first time. I've been noticing Bible verses for the last year that explain what it means for God to be Father and meditating on what it means to be a father like the Lord. It is glorious that the Lord would tell us to call him father and that he would be so kind, patient, generous, and compassionate.

Authenticity in an Age of AI

I don't ever care to see an AI-generated video. I already see what I suspect on YouTube are AI-generated or AI-enhanced Beatles videos. I can't stand them and want nothing to do with them. I want the real thing, and I suspect that will be what everyone wants in the future. We will want reality and authenticity. That means real... Writing Music Art Preaching Teaching Sports It means it is still a good time to be a writer, pastor, musician, creator, etc. You just have to do something that AI can't do yet: be you.

My Nightstand 1/13/25

 Right now, I have two books on my nightstand. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. This is short, so I'll finish it this week. It is so good, though. It uses simple scenes to show what war is like for one soldier. I've read so many books on war and soldiering that do not capture it as simply and powerfully as this. I picked this up on the giveaway stand at the library two years ago. I'm just now getting around to reading the books that I own but haven't read. 21 Days to Childlike Prayer by Jed Coppenger. This is the best book on prayer that I've ever read. What are you reading?

Understanding the Times: Fentanyl and Gambling

1 Chronicles 12:32 describes men " from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do."  It is good to understand the times we live in. Two issues that affect our times are drugs and gambling. How can a pastor understand the times we live in especially regarding drugs and gambling? We shouldn't assume drugs and gambling are the way they were in the past. One difference is that sports gambling wasn't legal the way that it is now.  I've been listening to two podcasts to help me understand these issues. The Poisoning is a YouTube podcast about the fentanyl crisis. Against the Rules with Michael Lewis  Season 4 is about gambling and how that is rapidly changing our world.   I highly recommend both podcasts to understand these times.

A Cool Idea for Taking Sermon Notes

We had a snow storm blow through on Sunday, and our church cancelled our services. I turned on Jared Wilson's sermon for my family from the Midwestern Seminary 2024 National Conference. I wanted to have some fun with my notes, so I folded a mini pocket mod notebook from one piece of printer paper. I turned the pocket mod into a sermon booklet while I listened. Keeping my hands busy adding pictures and expanding the applications helps me listen. I enjoyed having separate spaces to write on each page. I felt like I could start new for each point. I added the back page additional applications and the pictures to make it more like a book.  I preach much more than I listen to sermons, but I will probably do something like this at most conferences that I go to. Kids and teens should totally be encouraged to do something like this. Benefits: This gives space to be creative. This is easy to keep on top of your bible. I don't fumble between notebook and bible. Mistakes don't ruin a ...

2025 Goals

Every year, we set goals with our kids in 4 categories. They have motivated us all in different ways. We have 4 categories: Eat, Learn, Read, Do.  Here are mine.  Eat Learn to cook joloff rice. This is a west African dish. Learn Learn the notes on the guitar fretboard to the 12th fret.  Read Read 5 novels at least 150 years old. Do Complete 12 monthly challenges --one per month. I'm starting with practicing writing cursive every day in the month of January. These are mostly going to be low-stakes habit projects. Workout 200 times. What are your goals in 2025?