Favorite Workout with a Sandbag (August Posting Challenge)

*Right now, I'm trying to finish up a bunch of work for my ordination and writing 6 papers this week. So forgive me since I don't have much energy for writing at night.

My favorite piece of workout gear right now is a sandbag that I made. It is a canvas duffle bag filled with 60 lbs of wood pellets. Wood pellets are bulkier which makes it harder to hold. When the weather is nice like in August in Wisconsin, it is more fun to go outside with the sandbag and workout.

Here's my monday workout right now:

  • 5 Sandbag Cleans
  • 100 yard carry (any position)
  • 5 Sandbag Overhead presses
  • 100 yard carry (any position)
  • 3x
  • Then 300 yard carry without putting it down
  • Then 200 yard sprint race against my kids.
That works every part of my body without it feeling like I worked every part of of my body. And it's pretty low risk for injury--well, except for the sprints.

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