The Importance of Owning Your Name Online

I've taken to writing to people about all sorts of things. Thank you cards, emails to authors about books I enjoy, letters to let my politicians know what I think about an issue, journalists about their work.

Last week, I was emailing with a journalist and he commented that he had questions for my "boss"-- a Democratic presidential candidate. I knew exactly who he thought I was because I had googled my name and found the same Joe Radosevich.

The most relevant "Joe Radosevich" you find when you google my name is a democratic political staffer. That reminded me why owning your name and having a public profile is so important--people google you and they believe what they find.

That is why I started this website and why I opened my Instagram account up to the public. It is why LinkedIn is important to keep updated. People believe what they find on the internet. It goes for businesses, churches, and individuals. So pay attention to it.


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