Update on My New Year's Resolution on The Beatles

I'm still making progress with my New Year's Resolution to listen to all the Beatles music in order.

I'm currently listening to their 2nd album With The Beatles. A few things I'm learning and thinking about:

  • Our kids are enjoying this project. I didn't include them at first, but the music came on after they listened to "Baby Shark" one time. Now, they love The Beatles. They especially love "Love Me Do," "Twist and Shout," "Ask Me Why," and "Come Together."
  • I am reading The Beatles: Ultimate Album-by-Album Guide along with my listening. It is brief but detailed enough to help me understand and enjoy each album better.
  • I am astounded that The Beatles recorded their first album in 1962 and their last one in 1969. They went on a huge musical and personal journey in 7 years.
  • With the Beatles was released in the USA without half the songs of the British version. The USA version cut out all the covers, which was half the album. 

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