Book Notes: None Like Him by Jen Wilken


It is a short summary of the non-communicable attributes of God like eternity and self-existence, an explanation of our limits in the face of God’s limitlessness, and applications of that gap between God and us. I appreciate how she applies doctrine and doesn’t just describe it. It is aimed at women, but I think it is a book everyone should read

Why I read it

I finished reading John Frame's The Doctrine of God and wanted something shorter than 500 pages to read in my mornings. I've been reading systematics, historical theology, and N.T. Wright for the last 4 years. This also came highly recommended by my wife.


Just as my assurance of salvation rests in the fact that God cannot change, my hope of sanctification rests in the fact that I can. 87 


 The raging of the nations can be navigated only by keeping a fixed point in view: the Lord God , seated on his throne. 91


 We eagerly await Unbound 2.0 and 3.0, wondering what new advance will free us even further from the tyranny of our physical bodies. But not everyone is waiting for an upgrade. 98


Whatever power we possess, we face the choice of whether to use it for the benefit of others or abuse it for selfish gain. Power feels good. Will we see ourselves as stewards of power entrusted to us, or as owners of it? We will either disperse our power in the interest of honoring God or we will hoard and amplify it in the interest of mimicking omnipotence. 127


That our hearts could be made a dwelling place more suitable for the Spirit of the Lord than a tabernacle or temple is miraculous on a scale we cannot fathom. That the seat of utter depravity could become the seat of utter purity boggles the mind. 134


The truth of God's limitless power would be absolutely terrifying were it not paired with the truth of his limitless goodness. 135 


 Every attribute we have considered thus far has been moving us toward this inevitable conclusion: the most right and logical place for God to inhabit is a throne. 140 


Key Takeaways

  • I loved every bit of this book. I regularly was convicted, inspired, encouraged, etc. Wilken explains that learning about God should inspire awe, and her book did that for me. I read 5 pages each morning and found enough to inspire awe every day.
  • Her explanation for why she left God's sovereignty to the end is amazing. She explains that God's sovereignty does not sound like good news or as majestic as it really is until we understand the other attributes like eternal, self-existing, immutable, etc. That explanation makes so much sense. She explains it like an epic where the majesty of the king is best seen in the climax.
  • I would recommend reading this along with the sections in Erickson's Christian Theology. That would give a fuller view of the attributes of God. (Grudem's Systematic Theology would be good too, but I don't care for a few of Grudem's views, so I recommend Erickson instead). This would be a good fit for a class exploring who God is, important doctrines, etc.
  • This is geared to women, but I think everyone would benefit from reading this--especially those reading Systematic Theology.

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