Praying for the World with Joshua Project People Groups

 I've been praying through the Operation World prayer guide this year as a challenge. It is a different kind of challenge than reading through the Bible. One thing I've done that works well is subscribe to the Joshua Project Unreached People of the Day podcast. I already listen to a lot of podcasts, and since this is only 1 minute long, it easily fits into my listening. It is the only auto-subscribed podcast that I have. 

It is well-done, and it packs a lot of info into one minute. The host describes the people group (usually from the target country in Operation World), shares a verse, and shares how to pray that verse for those people. It's amazing. I probably wouldn't listen if it was longer, so I'm thankful that he makes it short and sweet.

I don't know anyone else praying through Operation World this year, but I assume that there are people out there. I feel like I'm in a club and that we are praying together this year. If you are praying through Operation World, welcome to the club.


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