6/17/24 Odds and Ends

 Here's a collection of things I've been thinking and doing.

  • It is hard to trust sports podcasts that start with gambling ads. I don't understand why they accept those advertisers.
  • I'm making sauerkraut which means that the active work is done, and then I wait. It takes about 3 weeks to ferment to our liking. I use glass weights and a one-way valve on top to keep them clean while they ferment. I like sauerkraut with more texture and sourness. I had some commercial sauerkraut for the first time in years. It is much softer and has less of the great bite that homemade has. You don't have to use the equipment that I use to get good, cheap sauerkraut. It's a neat miracle that cabbage, salt, and time make a great food--I realize that it takes bacteria in the air that collects on the cabbage somewhere along the way to make the sauerkraut.

  • I finished All the King's Men, and am starting an abridged version of War and Peace. I actually read War and Peace years ago but was overwhelmed. I read through it quickly because I valued reading lots of books. This time, I decided to find a respected abridgment to digest it better and see if I want to return to the full book.
  • Life really is better without social media. 
  • The garden is in full swing. We harvest summer squash most days, can eat herbs and lettuce as often as we want, but are waiting on the main summer vegetables.
  • I made a shade cover to put over our herbs and lettuce. It's really hot here. I wanted to give the spring plants a chance to continue growing without bolting. 


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