Dad Fitness for Pulling Wagons in the Fall (September Posting Challenge)

 The wagons I pull my kids in during the fall have gotten heavier. My two youngest are bigger, and the wagons at our local pumpkin patch are monsters (shout out to the best orchard and pumpkin patch around--Greene Fields Farm in Greenfield, IL).  My kids still love riding in wagons, so what am I going to do? I have been teasing that I need to do some training for pulling wagons in the fall. 

Today, I came up with a plan for wagon-pulling Dad fitness. Here it is:

  • Load up our wagon heavy with kids and kettlebells or sandbags. Make this a little heavier than I would normally pull.
  • Walk the 2 block circuit around our house. It has a hill on two of the four streets.
  • Repeat for 2 rounds.
Because of the weird position of your arm and back, I don't plan on doing too much of this or doing too heavy. I looked up overuse injuries in factories with pulling like this and want to avoid injury. 

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