Get More Out of Your Kettlebell with the Kettlebell Banded Swing (September Posting Challenge)

Sometimes you outgrow your kettlebell. You get too strong for it, especially on exercises like the kettlebell swing. You can get a bigger kettlebell, but I've used a band to make my kettlebells harder. It's an exercise called the kettlebell banded swing.

Why I love it: 

  • It's cheap. Instead of buying a bigger ball for just a few exercises, you can buy a band for $7-$15.
  • It builds strength, especially in the glutes. 
  • It builds explosiveness. It's a fast snapping exercise that is similar to jumping.

Here is a video of Matt Chan demonstrating how to set the kettlebell up for banded swings.

He does the American-style swing. I don't care for that type and do the Russian-style that just comes up to the shoulders.


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