The Bookstore with Nothing to Read (September Posting Challenge)

I went in a bookstore last week with my daughter. It was pretty magical in the way the shelves were overflowing with books. There were old rugs on the floor, and the back hallway had even more books. There was a problem though.

There was nothing to read.

Well, there was nothing I would read. I have a list on my phone of 50ish books that I want to read next. I keep a list in a notebook of other books that I want to read. I have an album in Google Photos of books that I want to read. I'm not hard to convince to get more books. I went there looking to find something to buy. In that bookstore, though, there were only gimmick books or argumentative books. There were books with viewpoints and philosophies. Nothing just for fun and beauty and the joy of reading a good book. Nothing to draw you in, hook you, and make you come back for more.

It's not just that store. It's libraries. It's publishers. They all do it. They offer their perspective first. Take our view. 

The bookstore or library should be filled with enjoyment and beauty first. Make addicts out of your customers so that they will come back for more. It's short-sighted to browbeat customers with your perspective on the world and not regard for taste and pleasure.

I'm not arguing for banning books. I'm asking for selecting books for enjoyment and beauty. 

*I wonder how many places should take this advice. Back when I was a personal trainer, I wish I considered "how do I make this workout so much fun that clients want to come back for more?"

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