There is Not One Right Coffee Recipe (September Posting Challenge)

There is not one right recipe or way to make coffee. 

I post my recipes here because I think it can be helpful and give people ideas. I've learned that there are better and worse ways to brew coffee with different equipment and beans. There isn't one right recipe, though. You can make better and worse coffee with a pour over cone or an Aeropress. I use recipes and ideas that I find online. 

There are too many variables to say that there is only one right way. 
Factors that change how you brew coffee:
  • Equipment
  • Coffee beans
  • Roast level 
  • Individual taste
  • Individual history and experience
Don't listen to anyone who says there is only one way to make coffee or that you don't do it right. The key is to learn what and why coffee works the way that it does and then make it the way that you enjoy.

I really like my coffee beans to have some visible oil these days. If the roast doesn't bring that out, then I will likely not enjoy it as much. In other seasons, I preferred lighter roasts from South America.

Make coffee your way


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