What I'm Reading (September Posting Challenge)
My goal is to read 50 pages every day from a variety of books. I read some in the early morning, some at work, some for fun before bed. Here's what I'm reading right now (how many pages I read each day is listed in parentheses):
Devotional Reading:
Letters of John Newton, John Newton (1 letter per day). These are so golden and encouraging. They also encourage me to slow down and think through the letters and cards that I write to make them a blessing to the recipient.
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1 (1 poem per day). I gain a lot by slowing down to read and notice poetry.
Make Disciples of All Nations, (5). This is a history of the IMB. Each chapter is by a different author. Some are better than others. I've found a few helpful models and ideas.
Deuteronomy in the NIV Application Commentary Series, Daniel Block (5).
Holiness, J.C. Ryle (5). I was scared of this book but shouldn't have been. It's so good to read it slowly.
The Wilderking Series, Jonathan Rogers (50). I love this series so much that I decided to reread it. It's written for 8-12 year olds which means it is great for anyone who wants to read a thoughtful adventure.
The Deathly Hallows Lectures, John Granger (10). I've never gotten over the Harry Potter series. I don't think that I will.