Why Keep a Blog? (September Posting Challenge)
My kids asked me about my blog, and I struggled to answer why. I didn't want to be proud. I don't want to be driven by vanity. So I asked myself, "Why have you kept this blog for 5 years? Why have you kept other versions of this blog for close to 20 years?"
Why do I keep a blog?
- This is my professional resume. It is where I process out loud what I'm thinking, what I work on, what I know, and what I do. Some people call that doing your work publicly. I have 5 years worth of thinking and work on here so that if someone wanted to know me, they would get a pretty good idea by reading through this site.
- This gives me practice writing. By writing, editing, and publishing regularly, I practice the skill of writing that I use in my current work and may use someday in other forms. I have enjoyed writing and written for years. I loved journalism in college and planned to write in some form for my career. Blogs have always been one way that I can practice for what I want to do. When I have written for other websites, those articles were the result of all the writing I've done over the years on here.
- I can be hospitable and helpful by writing. The best motive for writing this would be to serve others and glorify Jesus. I am not allergic to pride. I'm good at being proud. I noticed it when I tried to answer my kids, and I heard pride underneath my answers. So I hope that my writing is not just about advancing my career or practicing for a future writing opportunity. I hope to help and serve others.