Expository Preaching Doesn't Mean "What My Favorite Preacher Does"

Expository preaching is not merely what your favorite preacher does. It's not a style. It's not a series.

I'm overly sensitive about that term. I realized it recently when I protested extra strongly over someone's use of the term. I've had hurtful words said about my preaching using that term. I need get over that. In the future, I will let it go. It's better to trust the LORD than defend myself.

It is helpful for people to understand what expository preaching is, though. It's just a term that means a sermon that explains and applies a passage of the Bible. You can do that in many ways. The way that you organize your points doesn't make it expository. The amount of verses that you cover doesn't make it expository. The use of illustrations or lack of illustrations doesn't make it expository. Explanations of Greek and Hebrew does not make it expository.

I think expository preaching is the right way to preach. I think it is important to talk about it in seminary classes and in the pastor's study. We should learn all we can about how to preach more faithfully to the Bible, more helpfully to our congregations, and more honoring to the LORD. Pastors, however, shouldn't use their preaching style as a badge of honor or a weapon against others. Christians shouldn't be interrogating whether their friend's pastor is an "expository preacher."

I plan on writing a post soon showing definitions of expository preaching from authors in my library.

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